Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The pods are gone!

Today I replaced my sad, bent out of shape, well-loved golden wamu debit card with a new shiny blue chase debit card. It was the last change in a series of changes as wamu no longer really exists, and I know the bank was going under and all but I'm going to miss the gold cards and red shirts. More importantly I'm going to miss the way that I was greeted every time I walked into my bank and the pods.

The pods? I know strange thing to miss about a bank. For all of those who don't know what I'm talking about Washington Mutual had banks that were set up in a more modern and welcoming style than the classic counter. Over the past few weeks I have watched as the open air space of my bank became constricted and classical. Changing the setting of a story changes the story itself and I can't help but feel that the same applies to the bank.

My Washington Mutual bank was an building in an L shape, the doors open to the ATMs. The main part of the bank was styled in a while that there was open space on all sides of the guest walking in. Pods were spaced on either side, presenting an ability (or created sense) of choice. The original set up created a sense of home, a personal space rather than a rigid business space. As a guest walking in, I could walk around desks and interact not only with the employees but also with the actual furniture. The concept was more familial, laid back, and engaging.

I'm  not against the average bank and when I walk in now I know what is expected of me. There is on the left side all of the counters and on the right side cubicles of separate desks. I am socially cued to understand that I stand in a confined line and go up to the counter. The space is much more enclosed and no one makes eye contact with you when you walk in. But this is the way that banks have always been, no nonsense, straight line, structure first businesses. That's what we have come to expect, that's what makes them serious enough to deal with our money. I just can't help it if I miss the feeling of belonging I got from my old pod styled bank. But you know, lesson learned from Mary Poppins a bank is a place of business and it should reflect just that I suppose.

1 comment:

  1. I have not properly appreciated bank layout until I read this. I miss WAMU too :(


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