Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Genetically unable to keep a secret

On the third floor of the Anaheim convention center during the weekend of the D23 conference was the ABC viewing room. It was like all the other conference rooms except that it was designed to look like a house with several mailboxes in front of it. Each mailbox was designed for a particular show, some of the new and some of the well-established. I was particularly intrigued by the one mailbox designed to look like wood, with a glass of red wine sitting on top of it and the show's title stenciled into the side. Why was Brothers & Sisters represented by a wine glass?

I had thought about watching the family drama a few times, one because the name intrigued me and two because Rob Lowe was in it. I'm by no means a Rob Lowe fangirl, but I do sort of have a special place for him because of West Wing. Now this wine glass made me think it might be my cup of tea after all. Wine, Family Drama definitely two of my favorite subjects. So when I was walking past the rows of television on dvd at Blockbuster, my eye caught the first season of Brothers & Sisters. And so the race began...

I watched that first disc and was captivated. It took three episodes for me to collect all the characters names, which is only slightly an accomplishment. The fact that it took that long was a poor reflection on the show because honestly it shouldn't take the audience that long. But though that was hard and might have turned me off had I had to wait a week in-between the first three episodes, by episode 4 I was in in love. I cared about Walkers, all their family drama, all their laughter, all their merriment. Yes I didn't figure out until  about the middle of the first season that Sara and Kitty were the oldest and then it was Tommy, Kevin and Justin but that wasn't that important. There was so much about  the Walkers that reminded me of my family and so much that wasn't like my experience at all, but it was the right amount of heart to be addicting.

Now knowing that I was in love, I ran back to blockbuster to get the next two discs of the season. The entire stock of the first and second season were sitting on the back counter and I was informed that they were being sent out. Now this was going to be a problem because blockbuster employees told me that I wouldn't possibly have any time before the show was sent out to finish season 1, and definitely no way I was going to get to the second season. But I decided to test my fate, and basically not sleep for two nights in order to get through the show and I did!

Watching the Walker family at full speed, I enjoyed every moment of it. It might be a great drinking game to attempt to watch the episodes and make some kind of shot count for how long it takes for a secret to get around. Maybe something like you'll drink if Kevin tells Kitty first, or if Justin tells Tommy last. Something like that might be interesting. There is definitely drinking in every episodes and with Tommy owning and operating a vineyard, it only became more and more ingrained with the very essence of the family. Also the music selection, even though so artfully subtle, is very good and definitely adds a character to the show it otherwise might not have.

Though some of the story lines are soap opera-isc it does again not diminish the heart of family which is what drives the show. The characters remain true to themselves, to their family ties, to their actions and behaviors with each other and it is a real treat to feel so engulfed. Though I suggest if you're new to the show to at least try the first three episodes before truly making a judgement. Reveal in how normal your family was or smile at the reminder of how close you are and with a good glass of wine the audience experience in complete.

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