Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Secret to Never Tell

Three seasons in & only about a year of people telling me, is how long it took me to check out this little CW show called Gossip Girl. It was predicted I would get attached to this TV show, I know it's starting to seem that I can get attached to any TV show - but believe me I'm a bit hard to impress. It's all about the story telling. But here where the key predicators to my love for this show: 1. Pretty Good Boy who looks Bad and has a great shorten named - Nat, 2. Scandal and Drama on semi-real basis mixed in a relatable idea of private privileged high school, 3. Characters with Passion and believability. 

I have only watched 4 episode of it, but it was enough to ensure that I would need to watch at least the rest of the first season. The beginning had me intrigued immediately with the fact that the audience was thrown into the middle of the gossip. We didn't get a back story, we didn't get the entire exposition. Just like any real gossip it came out in sections, parts of it moving slowly. Now I know this show seems a bit like a soap opera and possibly trashy, but there's something truly smart about it. I think it might be the characters themselves, but so far as I can tell the story line is well established and plotted out. Maybe it loses its foundation somewhere along the line, but I don't know yet. So we shall see how the show stands the test of time, it's still pretty well loved so I think it does okay.

As of right now, I'm a Blake Lively fan. She really does bring a life into her character that makes it just generally watchable. It's something like comparing how Reese Witherspoon brought Elle Woods to life like no one else could. Also I just like her character. Now I don't like Chuck but he's character is perfected flawed. He's a gossip king, wasting away his existence and using every girl that walks past him.  But he seems a loyal enough friend, at the very least useful to Blair and protective of Nat. And Nat and Dan  have pretty much every quality I like about the teen protagonist with just tiny differences. Nat has a father that is over-bearing and controlling of his entire life and future, demanding him to work as an asset to his family fortune. While Dan has a very supportive father that wants nothing more than his son to reach his own dreams and achievements. Nat is confused about his future, unsure that his family's structure is really what he wants and how he wants it. Dan loves his family but could also want to move away from them, get his independence and make his own way. Both boys are in love with Serena, shock! They are slightly gullible, prince charming types with big flaws that I have either yet to see or are coming up. Nat for example doesn't think things through and tends to trust that the other side really has greener grass without figuring it out himself.

All in all, I felt like the show took a page out of Sex in the City and made it younger. Personally I had no love for sex in the city, but this show definitely caught my attention. But we will see what I think when I finish the first season!

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