Sunday, November 22, 2009

The 65 hour window

It has been just about 65 hours since I saw one of the most anticapated movies of the fall. Actually it's more like 64 hours and 50 minutes since the ending credits started rolling on the screen, but hey who needs to be that accurate? So why the window, cause honestly it's not like I went to bed when I got home at 2:25 AM on Friday morning. Why did I wait to post my thoughts, rants, review, loving adoration or whatever it might be for New Moon? Two reasons actually, 1) I didn't want my opinion to affect anyone else's first time viewing experience. I seem midnight movies for several reasons, the biggest reason, no one else can ruin my first impressions if I see it first! And this is one of those movies, one of those moments that because everyone has been waiting for it, everyone has to tell you what they think. So either you go into the theatre next weekend with expections so high, there's just no way you're going to like it. Or already knowing what you're going to hate and liking it anyway. And 2) I wanted to think about it, again that initial response is sometimes different. I could have loved it not because I actually loved it but because I've been waiting 12 months to see it... 

With that said. What did I think? I've only seen it once (groan all you want critics, I will more than likely see it again). And it's the end of the weekend and it's had the third openest weekend of all time, surprised? Not really. So people liked it. Or maybe fangirls liked it (loved, might be more accurate). So I would like to start with as a fan of the books, as a fan of the story, as a avid fan of the casting of the movies, I really did like it. Second, everyone admits that it's better than the first one. That being said, the film itself is beautiful. It's one of those book turned movie moments that I could relate to Harry Potter 3. Before you all freak out because Prisoner is the movie no one likes, I mean it in terms of the cinematic art to the actual picture not the way the story line was butchered. Quite the contrary for New Moon, the story line was kept completely intacted which was really refreshing. Though not different because, afterall, Twilight did the same thing for the fans. But the colors, the angles, the movement of the action everything was done with such a precision and love for the moving picture that I would have liked it even if I hated the story. But really the way the pages in the beginning showing passage of time were filmed in a 360 view from the window, or the awesome fight scene we've all seen in the trailer. It was all just beautifully put together.

With the story in mind, I did have a sense that unforunately the film had a pacing problem. A wrongly placed pause there, a second lapse on action here, I can't really put my finger on it but there was a slight problem. Some of the action was built up great, some of the emotion had me riding along on the rollercoaster just perfectly. But there were other moments when I felt the audience was rushed into feeling or experiencing what was going on by both the movement of the narrative and the acting. Rushed in a way that wouldn't be noticed by the die-hard fans that have read the book a dozen times so it could be dismissed, but it was there. In connection with this slight problem, I have to mention my problem with Edward (Rob Pattison). Please first note, I am pretty convinced that Rob Pattison IS Edward Cullen for all intensive purposes. I adored his protrayal of one of my favorite vampires in the first film, I really thought he nailed it. This being said, I didn't have a problem with how he was Edward only with how fast Edward became a martyr and how it came across on screen. I don't blame anyone in particular, but I felt like he went from being miserable in the beginning (because even before the Jasper thing) to being aloof and unattainable. Now flipping the coin on this issue for me, I've always been way to understanding of the situation in New Moon. I understood Edward and his reasoning and I never once doubted that he was going to come back in the end. So maybe this protrayal of him, is more intune to how everyone else felt about his leaving in the book? I don't know, I had issues with it because like I said I really thought he captured his own cahracter in the first film. So it was like a sudden shift in the second film to capturing how Bella saw his character instead. Not sure I liked it as much? Next time he won't exist so much just in Bella's head, so we'll see which way Rob Pattison takes it?

On actors, world watch out for little Taylor Launter. He's going places, not only did his character steal the show in the book but his acting stole the show on screen too. I know at least one person came out of the movie having switched teams, not me but you know others. And Billy Burke really does steal the few scenes he's in, he's just so entertaining to watch. Also let's not forget the under appreciated Bella school friends, Mike and Jessica in particular. They really bring their small parts to life, they are everything I ever saw those two characters being. They balance out all the crazy just the right amount and I love them for it. And Emmett (Kellan Lutz, thumbs up to your candid ability to capture Emmett so PERFECTLY) relief in any scene he's in. Oh, and the wolves, again the casting director couldn't have drawn up more perfect actors for any of the roles. And just not to leave her out, K.Stewart really did capture just how sad and broken Bella really was even the motions of holding herself together that are described in the book.

Moving into the realm of impossible to please fan. Why was Jasper still in high school? He graduated with Rose and Emmett. AND what was up with his wig? If anyone who has any power over his wig reads this, please fix it. We all noticed, I promise. And Jackson has no need to look ridiculous when he's playing Jasper. Why didn't Alice come to school with Edward in the beginning, because we needed that great wind shot of Edward heading towards Bella by himself? We could have done that with Alice still getting out of the car. Promise. There's a few more nitpicking items that I won't bore you with.

Instead I leave you with this critics of the film, read the book. Because then you might understand why it's so dark, why there's a love triangle, and why we will keep wasting our money on it. If you don't understand, read it twice. Everyone else, please enjoy the tad bit of commericalism that the film turned into with Jacob Black eating Burger King and Bella flying Virgin to Italy. Appreciate that it gave them a bigger budget to bring all our favorite pages into life. See it a few times and be able to make fun of how absurd imaginary Edward looks when Bella is drowning (The only hallucation I didn't like), or how silly it was for Bella to get on that strange guys bike and not be kidnapped? Aside from that see you all in line next year in June for Eclipse, we all know we're going to see it!

1 comment:

  1. OK. I agree with you on basically every point. On a light note- Jasper's wig totally needed some help.
    I thought they did a fairly good job of portraying Bella's anguish. I was waiting for her to hold herself and grasp for air. It never came which really disappointed me. I think I might be thrown off by her scream. I think it sounds really dumb --so that might be my personal issue....hmmm.. Not sure.
    YES! I'm glad you noted that the movie was off in timing. I can't figure out how but it is! It's almost like they're trying to cram in all the details- which I love, but it throws the regular pace of a movie off.
    The characters I felt for the most part all nailed it this time... especially Jacob. I could rant about how his 8 pack is amazing - but I won't. He nailed his part. The puppy dog eyes, the strong character and pride yet gentleness in him. Perfect. And did you notice the steam? When he was standing in the rain when Bella went to confront him- look for it! There's steam. Which I loved that they paid THAT much attention to detail. I think they really captured Bella's and Jacob's relationship perfectly.
    Why didn't they show any clips of Edward curled up in a ball? They showed nothing of his anguish. I feel they did not capture that relationship right.
    One thing that was interesting...Her father was super involved and kept saying I love you. Not really like the book- but it was nice. And he was funny!
    OK- THEY NAILED THE VOLTURI. I was sooooo happy that they got Aro's character right. I can't wait to see Eclipse in June! I was so happy with the quality of this movie and the attention to detail. I know that they will never please anyone and since I've read the books too many times to count (really, like it's ridiculous) I'm sure I pay more attention to detail than most. I was surprised that my husband enjoyed the movie...and that says A LOT! I'm sure I've forgotten points that I wanted to mention so I'll post another comment later :D I'm going to copy this before I hit post since it's so long and if it accidentally deleted -- well, it'd be a bad morning over here.


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