Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Dragon was Mad...

The first season of Merlin ended last night. There were a few thoughts that crossed my mind as the magical journey came to a close. One, I want Arthur Pendragon's awesome red jacket more than I've wanted any article of clothing from any show in a while. Two, why hasn't Merlin told Arthur he is magical. Three, maybe with season two they will up their antics a tad bit more and really hit the nail on the head.

I still like the show a considerable amount. But what is drives me like for the show is the Arthur, Merlin relationship. That became slightly problematic in the few episodes where for whatever reason Arthur was suddenly not as ever present. Merlin being the protagonist of the show, carries the burden well but I would admit I would have liked to see a bit more character development over the course of 13 episodes. It seemed that Merlin learned only one lesson from the entire season, to be more careful. While an important lesson, I would have expected more growth. His youthful missteps were counted on one hand, in only the beginning episodes. While his relationship with Arthur though wonderful and greatly brought to life, seems lacking by episode 11 when Merlin still has yet to reveal his secret. Though it was wonderful to see Merlin finally set out to strike his own destiny and not be so ruled by his circumstances such as the Dragon. It's almost as if the two prince and servant (friends) grow comfortable and static. Arthur faces a similar problem, though a lesson learned in compassion he is still guided by the hand that feeds him. Arthur is still far too quick to take his father's orders and ignore the general outcry of his friends, family and people. The show was off to a great start but I was hoping for more growth.

The rest of our characters are equally one-sided in this first season. Morgana is strong willed and doesn't learn the patience of graces from her experiences. Though there is high hope that she is somehow transformed after her remorse to Uther. I appreciate her spirit and the passion that she brings to the screen. While Gwen is finally starting to become a less one dimension character, as she starts to fall apart due to the untimely death of her father. Finally Gwen is not just the nice girl, the damsel in distress, in a situation where no one can truly help her but she has to show strength. While in the last episode the audience finally gets to see Gwen with Arthur, the spark of the relationship that we might have been waiting for.

I was pleased with the ending of the season , Merlin demonstrating his strength setting the stage for a powerful second season. There are high hopes for the future of the story, and if you haven't caught up on it check it out on Hulu!

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