Sunday, July 12, 2009

You haven't cried since you were 15?

Tonight I left for a party around 8:15 pm, funny thing is I arrived back at 12:49 am and the movie I had been watching when I left was at the exact same part when I got back. TBS strikes again, lovely how many times they repeat a movie over the span of a few days. It has happened before when I have fallen asleep to a movie and woken up to the part I fell asleep to and every time I have thank God for TBS. On this particular night it is The Holiday that is playing on repeat and I can not describe my joy. The Holiday was a movie made for story tellers especially those attached to films.

Now I don't want to dwell to much on the Holiday, but its a great love story not so much about the characters but rather the love between society and film. From the trailers that Amanda creates of her life in every other scene she is in, to the love Jack Black has for the scores of movies, to the crazy old neighbor that won an OSCAR! I love everything that comes out of Arthur's mouth, the movies he recommends from the lessons about cute-meets and old Hollywood. If only I could find that neighbor, it would be perfect that neighbor and maybe if Jude Law came knocking on my door. But honestly, Jack Black has my love for all stories (particular movies) but for scores instead especially in that scene when they are in blockbuster. Also the title of today's musings came from a conversation between Jude Law's character and Cameron Diaz's character on their first date.

But the movie was not where my muse was taking me tonight. No I have loved The Holiday since I watched it for the first time in theaters but it acts more like my daily latte than my randomhappenstance Muse of tonight. No my story comes from Clio tonight, I'm sure the muse of history is who danced around my thoughts this evening. I went to a summer eve soiree, of sorts, to mingle with one of my oldest kindred spirits. The thing about this particular kindred spirit, is that she is of the truest form because we spend months, even years without speaking or really even knowing about each other. But we are always in each others thoughts, I tell stories about her and remember her as often as weekly because I have learned you don't easily dismiss or forget a kindred spirit.

So tonight I had this amazing conversation about religion, organized religion and how it seems impossible for an educated mind to truly be religious. I am a religious person, but as I have pointed out on many occasions possibly a bad one because I don't just follow everything as blindly as it seems I should. Honestly I don't wish to get into a debate about organized religion or my current religious beliefs but it was the stem of the conversation. Where I discovered that there is a handful of kindred spirits in my life that will always exist. These people are my very core and essence as a person, they helped shaped me but more importantly to me they will always be there to help me along the way. Our history, our growth and our similarities will always draw us to each other, we're in the same show forever even if we're only guest starring sometimes.

Clio made me realize tonight that my personal history gives me voice, provides me stories and will always be my strength as a storyteller. Never forget your own story, it's the most important tell.

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