Thursday, July 16, 2009

But I am the choosen one!

At 12:01 July 15th, I sat on starring at the black screen as the lights slowly dimmed in the movie theater I had been sitting in for about 45 minutes. My first thoughts as my eyes readjusted to the darkness were these: ABOUT TIME! and I can't believe I waited this long to see this movie and I'm still this excited.

So before I delve into the magical world of Harry Potter I think it only fair to talk about the awesome trailers. I want to focus on two trailers of note, one that was actually on the movie and the other that I found out was one some of the showings of Harry Potter that night but I had to find it online around 3 am when I got home. Sherlock Holmes was nearly the last trailer before the movie started and it looked amazing. Sometimes I think that my love for trailers sets me up to be disappointed by movies that don't live up, but a person should live life being excited. Looking forward to something is one of the best feelings in the world, even if sometimes those things don't live up to all your hopes and expectations. So Sherlock Holmes looks like its going to be action packed and visually stunning, and I can not wait. Be sure to go check out the trailer if you haven't had a chance to see it.

The other trailer, that I had to find upon discovery that it was released at all yesterday was for the Percy and the Olympians: The Lighting Thief. I almost burst with excitement because I discovered that they were making the movie out of my newest favorite character. But then to find out that Chris Columbus, my hero from the first two Harry Potters and Rent, was directing! Now as a cherry on top, Logan Lerman is playing Percy himself. Logan is a boy that I've been following by chance over the years, having seen him in the Patriot, 3:10 to Yuma and Bobby. I have high hopes for Logan being a very good Percy. The trailer was only a teaser, with the movie not being released until Presidents Day but it was just enough for me to be truly giddy with anticipation. The interesting thing is they told the story with no verbal cues, there was no speaking within the trailer at all and very few words. The trailer was just of Percy walking into the Empire State building, getting into the elevator and heading up to Mount Olympus. The beautiful weaving of the images of such a small action sequence with the words printed white on a black screen I thought was a nice tip of a hat to the fact that the movie is based on a book inspired by ancient stories. All in all it was thrilling and well recommend.

The lights were completely dimmed now and the music started signalling the start of the shouting and clapping. For all of our anger at Warner Brothers for delaying this moment for so many months, we were still an auditorium of very excited and happy hogwarts students (yes, people we're dressed up). I had read that David Yates had wanted to start the movie with a bang, and indeed he achieved the bang enough. The movie was almost everything I expected, a dark tale with a surprising humorous undertone that was enjoyable. Dan Radcliff was marvelous, he has truly grown into his acting and was captivating to watch on screen. My favorite scene was possibly the Felix Liquid Luck Scene, Dan really brought that to life for me. And Horace Slughorn was perfect, everything I imagined he would be on screen come to life. It was pleasing to still have the scenes, though however small, with Fred and George and Lupin and Tonks. And though I wish the set up at the end might have included the parts of the old D.A. members and the actual battle that happened, I was mostly ok with the change. The Burrow being attacked, not so much okay with, but we will see how they fix that story line within movie 7 part 1. Also the music within the movie was well played, in particular I enjoyed the usage of the weasley score (the twins music) for the end credits.

The muse of this Harry Potter film was laughter and love, the essence of growing up and being able to deal with the pains and tribulations that might bring. A story can be sad but it is a proven fact that you can smile while crying. So I take from my first time seeing Harry Potter, the importance to remember to make them smile once in a while.

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