Friday, October 8, 2010

The Predicament of My Generation

Last night at an hour late enough to avoid blustering crowds and disengaged moviegoers, I sat down to watch  movie I think I've been excited about for months.

The Social Network, a film written by Aaron Sorkin (who for those of you that don't know, I slightly idealize as a screen writer, see West Wing or Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip). The reason I was excited was because of the writer, but also because it was going to be a movie about one of the essential components of my generation: Facebook.

Now some would say that the situation of my movie watching experience was ironic, or poetically justified in some way but I'm not sure I would agree. You see, that as soon as I sat down to a trailer of Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie (Looks like a modernized Hitchcock Film) I instantly noticed the row of 'older' teenagers sprawled in front of me in a group of about 8, each with their cell phones pulled out. I noticed the cell phones but also dismissed them because it was obviously only the trailers still and I realize that not everyone shares in my intense love for previews. But then the movie started and the resilient little lights of the screens didn't wavier for most of the movie, personally I think I ignored it well as there was no kicking of chairs or demanding of any sort. But how is it that these teenagers, on their phones (one even on facebook) didn't for a second consider the audience behind them, or even better the experience that they were tampering with by not even truly paying attention to the movie! Don't get me wrong, I on occasion pop my phone out (though not ever as blatantly) to check the time or dismiss a phone call during a movie. And at home, I sit on the computer and do things (check facebook) while watching any movie/ series/ or etc. But the a movie theater is about the experience of being immersed in the movie, is it so hard to be immersed without 3-D? Or killer HD graphics? That it is impossible to  not be involved with your cell phone during a film?

Leaving the teenagers that I successfully ignored enough to enjoy the movie, I want to describe my experience with The Social Network. Mr. Writer (as KChenowith calls him) did not disappoint. He is witty, intelligent and truthfully blessed in crafting words. The script had several moments that I loved, from the fast paced dialogue in the beginning that challenged you in a punk like matter to try to keep up with the rest of the movie itself. The acting of it was excellent. Justin Timberlake was impressive in his role, I almost forgot he was once a member of N'SYNC and a mousekeeter in his delivery of character.

I don't really want to talk so much about the aspects of the movie that made it enjoyable, because I think everyone should (who wants to) see it. But rather the deep feeling of connected memory that I had with relationship to the story unfolding on screen. The beginnings of facebook, the conversation about changing the profiles to add pictures. The idea of the digitial connected community that I am currently living as a reality. The movie social network may not be fact, but it is a realization of a moment that defined a part of my generation's character/ personality. Facebook, for better or worse, is a part of who we are as individuals and as a group. So however it actually got started, the importance is that it got started....

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