Saturday, August 7, 2010

Headlines Don't Sell Papes!

Newsies Sell Papes!

On Wednesday August 4, 2010 one of my dreams came true. What was it? I got to see Newsies in a movie theater, with incredible sound and a screen the size of my house.  Only 18 years and 4 months after its original theatrical release, I finally got to watch one of my favorite movies of all time not only on the silver screen but also with a room full of newsies lovers (we are too old a cult to have a fancy name like twihards or potterheads...) AND with the added bonus of having Mr. Kenny Ortega (and choreographer), the editor: William Reylonds (I think), and set designer (not even close to being sure that person's name) and one last surprised to be discussed later! 

How did this come to pass, you may ask? Apparently the Disney Gods decided to acknowledge what I have often called their red headed step-child musical, the 1992 pre-cursor to the marvelous little telemusical you might have heard of 'High School Musical' (also Mr. Ortega's handiwork). D23 in collaboration with the Arclights is presenting classic disney films, which caught my eye immediately and when I scrolled through the list of titles my jaw dropped when I found Newsies. I seriously thought I was seeing things, projecting my hopes onto the computer screen with little belief that it was reality. But as the fates had it, Newsies was indeed being brought out and dusted off for the public. Once I came to my senses about it, I dove into finding which one of my old friends, my dearest kindred spirits would join me for our giddy reunion with dancing Christian Bale. 

In this process I realized two things: (1) somewhere in our 18 year love affair with dancing newsboys, we developed lives and commitments which stop us from going to events and (2) you NEVER stop carrying the banner, once a newsies lover = always a newsies lover. Long story short, I ended up at the movie by myself. But before this happened, it was released by Arclight and by D23 on Twitter that Kenny Ortega was going to be at the screening and giving  a Q & A. The fangirl in me was beyond giddy about this prospect, I might mention here that I have meet 7 Newsies in life. At some point during Sophomore year of high school I might have established a goal to meet most if not all important components of the movie itself. So this was one step closer to a goal that I had completely forgotten about. 

Kenny Ortega pointing out crew members
Moving along, I sat in a row next to four empty seats and as Newsie fate would have it next to a lovely fan that had come to see the movie by herself when she realized as sadly as I had that people had lives. A D23 rep, named John I believe, went up and introduced the movie to us and led a little trivia session of 6 questions (that were slightly easy and not related enough to Newsies in my opinion) and gave away things. A few certain Newsies posters with Ortega signatures were handed out like candy that I wasn't allowed to have (not that I'm bitter, except maybe I am). Kenny also came up and introduced the film and answered a few questions. Honestly, I was a bit disappointed that the questions weren't particularly new to me. I knew the answers, because well I was (am, whatever) attached to this movie. I have watched it with the audio commentary on DVD, I owned it on VHS, I am part of its huge online following... etc, etc, etc. So the questions were about how hard it was to teach the boys to dance, and how it was to work with Christian Bale, and where the idea had come from. I did learn that Kenny's favorite musical is Oliver, which was new! I giggled a bit when John asked how Kenny felt having worked on what could only be described as a cyber cult classic. I loved it when Kenny asked if anyone who had worked on the film had joined us and was genuinely excited to see some of his old crew members (editor, set designer, a few others) and their families. 

The introduction finished and the movie started. The movie that I won't deconstruct, that I won't bore you with my eternal love for the pelvic thrust and spit handshake. I will say, that even for someone who can quote the film and possibly even dance along too, it was a whole new experience. The sound was completely throwing me off... I could hear EVERYTHING! Background comments from actors, and snide remarks from passerbyers and it was like seeing a different movie. I could focus on this, because I won't even admit to the amount of times that I've seen the movie. Also just the sheer size of the picture, awesome. Audience participation was a new element too, people sang, people quoted and people were generally EXCITED. It wasn't someone just indulging my love for the movie, it was a room of fans. Not a better way to see a movie. 

At the end, I had made friends with my fellow single watcher and we discussed talking to Kenny/ taking a picture. We settled on picture taking and made friends with someone else in the lobby that we made a deal take one picture for another picture. It was harder than it might seem to get our picture, as I said Kenny was super excited to see old crew members. So I stood next to him for a while, listening to him catch up. I found out that he loves The Counter, a hamburger place in Los Angeles (with other locations). I also discovered he is currently signed on to a new project 'Into the Heights' a musical coming to the silver screen. It was amusing to him discuss how Newsies was his best foundation for 'Into the Heights'. Then the crew member (I really wasn't sure who he had been) and him starting talking about how even today when they get jobs, sometimes when people see their Newsies credit they only want to talk about the little musical. At this point three things happened, Kenny's mother motioned for me to push in and try to get a picture. A dancer from the film said a quick hello and a young lady tapped Kenny on the shoulder, a very familiar looking young lady. 
Ele Keats & Kenny Ortega
Ele Keats was standing right next to me and I hadn't noticed until I stared at her face. My new friend was pointing and mouthing that's Sarah, and I suddenly was confused. As any Jack Kelly girl, I was never a big fan of Sarah Jacobs. I never sought her out or expected to meet her but here she was totally excited to see Kenny and interacting with fans. The two talked about how great it was to see Newsies again and Ele commented that even after all this time, it's still a great movie. Point of all this, is I loved my wait time for my picture. I got a picture of Kenny Ortega and Ele Keats talking/ hugging and I got my picture with Kenny Ortega. It was wonderful evening and if you are in the greater LA area, you should think about checking out one of the classics showing at all three arclights. Also if you visit the Arclight in Pasadena check out the Storyboard, the large wall of posters next to the bar because its gorgegous and I actually named it!! And I think next month, there is going to be a little picture fittingly of me jumping up like a newsie sitting next to it! 

Also a warning, I have declared it is Adventure August so stay tune for more entertaining stories of exploring the world!

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