Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wigs are like shirts, which one to wear today?

Before J.J Abrams worked on Lost and made a Star Trek movie. Back when the WB was still the coolest channel around and still existed. A little show called Felicity existed, about a girl with pretty hair that followed a high school crush across the country to a New York University. The plot of that show is not important, what is important is the small secondary character that was only on three episodes named Hannah Bibb. Hannah Bibb was played by a somewhat unknown actress of the time Jennifer Garner. I wonder if during the filming of those three episodes J.J knew he had found his upcoming leading lady.  In 2001, Jennifer Garner appeared in her first but definitely not last wig on the show Alias. 

I had wanted to watch episodes of Alias when it was repeated on TNT, but could never really understanding what was going on. Alias is one of those shows that you must watch from at least some beginning point, every episode is connected to the last ten. Maybe its something that J.J Abrams likes to do, as many of you Lost fans might know. After finding someone that owned all six seasons that I could borrow it from, I started watching.  

These are the things that I learned about the show Alias:
- No one actually dies 
- No one is who they say they are 
- No one is on the side they say they are on 
- Basically 1-3, Everyone lies 
- A good costume for a woman involves a wig 
- A man is apparently unrecognizable and only needs a different set of clothing and sun glasses
- Haing something to trade with the government keeps you out of jail 
- Family is complicated 
- Everyone should learn more than one language 
- Don't trust people who tell you they are working for the CIA and offer you a job 

Generally the show is very good for the first two seasons. Season 3 and 4 start to see a steady decline. And season 5 and 6 leave faithful fans sad and slightly unfulfilled. I found myself annoyed at the lack of secretive spy behaviors after season 2, I thought everyone was being less careful about being discovered. It seemed that the writers lost love for the story they were telling, becoming complacent with the very obsessions that drove the characters. I especially thought it unnecessary to write in the unsavory twist with Vaughn! But I won't spoil it for anyone that hasn't watched it yet.  

Its a good relaxing show, with a little too much strain at the end but the beginning is well worth it. And once you get started you might as well finish. 

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