Friday, February 12, 2010

The Lost Boys

I've been feeling like a bit of lost boy myself, well at least in terms of my poor blog updates. My disappearance for the last month and two weeks has not been spent under a rock and away from all creative muses. On the contrary the end of December, the entire month of Janurary and the beginnings of February have brought nothing but creative muses into my world.
Here is a quick review of what exactly has been inspiring me to no end, some of the things I might still write up blurs about but most of them are now receding to far into the past to catch up with all the new things I have yet to experience and consume.

The Week Night Line Up:
  • Big Love- I fell into the trap of yet another HBO show. Though I have to say this one drives me less crazy on a weekly basis. It's not like the other shows I have watched that leave you hanging unbearably for a week with cliff hangers and seven unresolved plot points. The great thing about Big Love is the heart of the show itself and the relationships of the family and the individual with religion. I don't think the show's focus is on the negativity or the unexplained aspects of mormons, though of course there is the negative in there. I am really enjoying the mutli-wive relationship that in my head is a modern study of understanding to the stories of Jacob and his three wives (at least that's the way that I relate it to me and my religious and cultural background). I might talk more about this as season 4 progresses, but for now check it out if you have a chance because it's definitely an easy hook to get into.
  • Grey's Anatomy - This show is finally in a real upswing again. It might even be getting better than it was it's first season. If you had watched it and stopped, start again. And if you haven't watched it at all, watch a few key episodes or the starter kits and start.
  • Castle - The Alyssa Milano episode was great, if you watch no other castle episodes watch that one.
  • Psych - is back and I just realized I never got around to writing about last season. 
  • White Collar - same problem as poor Pysch above, I watched it because really it's Catch me If you Can as a TV show. So you know, likely there will be more to come on this show in the near future.
  • Greek- Is back... I think after the 80s episode I might discuss my absurd love for this show. 

My Bookcase:

  • Sookie Stackhouse Novels - I'm on novel number 9 and I wasn't going to write about them until I finished all the books that were already out. Easy, fast and enjoyable reads.
  • John Adams - I started reading this historical novel about one of my favorite revolutionaries and presidents. We'll see how I like it...
  • Bro Code - Barney is as entertaining on paper as he is on screen my friends. That's all I have to say on that so far.
  • Teenager: I bought this just a few weeks ago and it's actually a nonfiction novel on the creation of youth culture in the U.S. I'm more excited about it than I should be. 
  • History of Society: I found this awesome old text book in a book store in Pasadena. It's a sociology text book from 1934, that was actually regifted sometime in 1954... (there's a hand written note inside the cover) It's huge but I'm trudging along in it and love it... more to come on that I can promise!
  • There are at least four other books that I'm planning on reading soon, or re-reading as the case might be... so you know no worries about books.
iTunes Recently Played:

  • Strangely I want to point out how this could have only years ago been titled, in my CD player. Times are changing faster than I think we even notice.
  • The Hope for Haiti Digital CD - incredible. If you watched the George Clooney production or not, you should get this CD because aside from donating money you get an incredible collection of work. I just love the collabration of lean on me with three artists, of the moving vocals of Justin Timberlake... just go download it. 
  • Hoy Me Voy, a song by Juanes redone with Colbie Caillat. I did not know this song even existed until I was looking something up on Colbie Caillat and realized it had been made years ago. This is one of my favorite Juanes song (a Colombian rocker) and I was thrilled with the reworked english vocals added by Colbie. 
  • Recently I discovered new music to me, though old really in nature. I've been listening to The Fratellis, Swayze and Atomsphere quite a bit to name a few. Also Toy Soliders by Eminem, just awesome. I don't know how I missed it before?
On the Silver Screen:

  • Sherlock Holmes - I saw this on Christmas Day, of course! And it was everything I hoped for and more. Because really Jude Law brought new life to Watson that I didn't expect. Also Robert Downey Jr.'s acceptance speech at the Golden Globes was possibly my favorite!
  • Young Victoria - What surprised me about liking this movie, isn't that I liked the story, but that I liked the creative shots and artistic aspects of it. There's this one shot in particular that really caught my eye that was the opening visual for a fancy state dinner where the camera pans a row of glasses in a perfect row. 
  • Avatar - I waited much longer than most people to watch this movie. I was under the impression that it might be getting far too much hype for a project that was James Cameron possibly showing off. I didn't dislike it and I might think that it did deserve its hype. My problem with this movie might now be that for some reason it's bringing up how 3D is the way of the future. 3D movies have existed basically since the creation of  movies (ok, maybe a few years after the creation). And the push for this type of movie isn't because it can really add to your experience (I see plently of 3D movies) but that it makes everyone more money. So please don't fall for this ploy, we do not need 3D TVs. We need to go outside and actually live in the real world more.
  • Up in the Air- sad and depressing, though definitely worth it's hype on parts of the acting.
  • Dear John - I might actually have to read a Nicholas Sparks novel soon. I have always intended to, just haven't. The striking moment of this movie and love story for me was that this wasn't some military romance of World War II, this wasn't oustide events and emotions that happened within my life time. It was awing. Also I decided that Nicholas Sparks depiction of the love story, the couple might be a great thing to compare to love stories written by woman. So that might be coming up here soon.
  • Leap Year - Romantic Comedies can really brighten up any day, as long as you're in the mood for light, frothy and completely predictable. Amy Adams was adorable and her trusty sidekicks of the movie a great pair of shoes and louie v. bag... totally a crack up. It definitely made me want to go back to Ireland though, great scenes.
  • I feel like I saw a few more things that I can't even remember now. 
 The Human Story:

  • I ran this great contest about status updates on facebook that I intend to write about soon. It has to do with the need to attach meanings and craft narratives from things we don't understand.
  • Yesterday, I saw life walk by me on either side of the road it made a great impression on me. Right next to a high school I saw a young couple walking on my left and two young boys riding scooters to my right. Then up a few feet, I saw an older woman in her 30s maybe jogging along and on the other side a man in business attire walking slowly. This story played out for a few blocks, with people of all walks of life walking by me as I was driving. It was really cool. 
  • To add to the madness and my insanity of noticing all stories, I have also gone back to school. I am now a student of Humanities,  which is literally the story of humans, the narrative of the very essence of what makes us people. Definitely more on my studies to come!
This weekend watch out for Percy Jackson and Valentine's Day Movie thoughts. But before I leave you, I leave you with this great little article that I found very amusing.